Whats In My Bag??

Well its another lovely day, well let me be honest as I sit here under layers of clothes and blankets. I'm patiently waiting for Spring to come to warm up theses chilly bones of mine. Whats your favorite kind of season? I'd love to hear!:) So, I come to you this week with a Whats in my bag? Well more a whats in my book bag. I've had this bag since December, my fiance  gave it to me for Christmas. I've been obsessed with this bag ever since! I'll be giving you a look inside each part of my bag, let me know in the comments what you think and what you carry in your bag. 

So my book bag mostly concisest of bags within bags, its easier to keep track of things especially in a book bag. So I'll start with the bag I usually use the most. 

 In this bag I keep:
-My phone charger 
-head phones
-and a portable   charger 

I also keep my planner as well as a personal notebook and work notebook. The planner is one of the best I ever had its small enough to keep in my bag, but the lines in it a rather big to write down all I need to write.

To go along with my notebooks and planner, i keep another bag that holds pens and such. 

In this Bag I keep: 
Stickers & Sticky notes for my planner
and a assortment of pens 

Their are also little pocket in my bag and in the back pocket I mostly stuff to help me if I get in a pickle
What I keep in the their:
A flash light 
two lighters
A knife 
little toys my Mom gave me awhile ago.

Also in the big part of my bag and in the front part.
I keep:
At least two packs of gum at all times 
Keys for my office 
Keys for my house 
And my wallet 

I've also got a bag that I keep emergency stuff in:
Extra pair of underwear
Extra pair of socks
Hand sanitizer
Body spray
Lady wipes

Its just some stuff I like to keep handy, especially on long days out!

And the last bag that probably has the most stuff in it would be my make-up bag/ loose earrings bag.

In this bag I keep:
Bag to hold all of my hair bows and bobby pins
Compact Mirror
Tooth brush + toothpaste
Eos lip balm
4 different kind of lip sticks
Loose earrings and rings.

Well that's all that's in my bag, tell me what you think down below!:) and have a great weekend!



  1. I love it!!! I also have so much stuff in my purse. I had to get a bigger one.
    Your Cuz, Val

    1. haha I've got that problem too, thanks for the comment!:)


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